Friday, 10 April 2015

A Study of Reading Habits - Philip Larkin

Sarcastic, self mocking tone, abcbac rhyme scheme

Links: Dockery and Son, Self's the Man

Stanza 1: talking about what books meant to him as a child. - 'cured most things short of school' - he felt books helped him get away from everything apart from bullying at school - he was probably reading feelgood superhero books - reading to escape - as a comfort and refuge.
'and deal out the old right hook to dirty dogs twice my size' - taking reading into reality in his mind.

Stanza 2: describing teenage fantasy - 'evil was just my lark' - horror books, fantasy - Dracula.
'The women i clubbed with sex! i broke them up like meringues' - he's reading older books - women are victims - feels he has power - possession and desire.

Stanza 3: describes how predictable books are - he's seeing the same stories and getting bored.
'Books are a load of crap'. - he's realising that books are just fiction and you cant do the same in real life, he feels like he's been let down by books because the comfort he got from them as a child arent real and cannot help him in real life.

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